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Leaf Financial Advisers

Leaf Financial Advisers Ltd. - Bristol Financial Advisers

Investing In Retirement

The benefits of Investing no longer end at retirement.  Continuing to make sure you’re invested in the most efficient way can help maximise your income in retirement, reduce the chances of running out of money and maximise any potential inheritance.

Leaf Financial Advisers Ltd. - Bristol Financial Advisers

Investing In Retirement

The benefits of Investing no longer end at retirement.  Continuing to make sure you’re invested in the most efficient way can help maximise your income in retirement, reduce the chances of running out of money and maximise any potential inheritance.


For decades your retirement marked the point at which you stopped working, your pension pot was “cashed in” and you started to take an income.  The world has changed and these days it doesn’t always make sense to access your entire pension at retirement – it can be better to access what you need, when you need, and let the rest keep on growing.

The introduction of Pension Freedoms by the government in 2015 have given those in retirement a lot more flexibility on how they access and manage their pensions.  This freedom coupled with the ever-increasing time spent in retirement means it is important to continue to think about how your finances are arranged after you retire.  

By making sure your pension, which is often the biggest asset in most people’s lifetime, is invested in the most efficient way can help to boost your income during retirement and make your pension last longer.  Arrangements can also be made to help your loved ones receive a more valuable inheritance.

Investing in Retirement involves different considerations that investing pre-retirement.  It is unlikely that the approach used before retirement will still be appropriate, at the very least a review should be performed to ensure it is still appropriate.

Independent Financial Advice Bristol


For decades your retirement marked the point at which you stopped working, your pension pot was “cashed in” and you started to take an income. The world has changed and these days it doesn’t always make sense to access your entire pension at retirement – it can be better to access what you need, when you need, and let the rest keep on growing.

The introduction of Pension Freedoms by the government in 2015 have given those in retirement a lot more flexibility on how they access and manage their pensions.  This freedom coupled with the ever-increasing time spent in retirement means it is important to continue to think about how your finances are arranged after you retire.

Independent Financial Advice Bristol

By making sure your pension, which is often the biggest asset in most people’s lifetime, is invested in the most efficient way can help to boost your income during retirement and make your pension last longer.  Arrangements can also be made to help your loved ones receive a more valuable inheritance.

Investing in Retirement involves different considerations that investing pre-retirement.  It is unlikely that the approach used before retirement will still be appropriate, at the very least a review should be performed to ensure it is still appropriate.

Get in Touch to See How We May Help You

Give us a ring for a Free no obligation discussion on how we may be able to help you: 01173 823 823

Drop us a line with any query you may have and we'll make sure we get back to you as quick as we can:

Fill out our contact form and an adviser will call you back at a time that is convenient to you

How Can Leaf Financial Help You?

We understand that investing during retirement is important, not only for maximising your income and enjoyment during retirement but also for securing a legacy for your family.

We want to use our skills and experience to not only maximise the growth of your wealth in the most tax efficient way but to give you peace of mind that your wealth is being managed by someone you trust safe in the knowledge that you fully understand how your investments are being managed.


We can maximise your investments through a variety of ways.  We use sophisticated financial modelling techniques combined with our expert knowledge in areas such as tax efficiency, managing investment risk, investment style, pension consolidation or accessing exclusive rates from providers on your behalf to boost your pension pot and help you achieve the retirement you deserve.

Plan For The Future

A key part of our service is using our forecasting tools and techniques to allow you to see how fast your wealth will grow, the impact of different spending levels and the size of any wealth that may be available to be passed down to family.

This visual, jargon free plan will allow you to not only clearly see the future but can help in any tax efficient planning, such as the use of trusts or other estate planning techniques.

Simple English

We believe in simple English, no complex jargon, to make sure you fully understand where your money is invested and why.  

Regulated and Independent

And as Independent advisers we can access the entire market to find the most suitable products for you.

With us on your side you’ll gain the protection of regulated advice. Where we provide a regulated advice service we are responsible for the decisions we help you make.  

Delivering Quality Convenient Advice


Our pricing is Fair,  Transparent and Up-Front to ensure you only pay for the high-quality advice you deserve.  In line with our company values, we will only agree to engage you in advice if we believe that the financial benefit exceeds any fees levied.

Personal Adviser

You’ll get peace of mind, speaking to the same dedicated expert from start to finish, however long your journey may last.  Someone on the phone or face to face if you have any questions, queries, updates or just a chat!

What does the Investing in Retirement Advice process involve?

A summary of a usual Investing in Retirement Advice Process– please get in touch if you have any further questions.

Each Advice process is unique, based on your own personal situation.  The below steps are a typical example of what you may experience.  Please contact us if you would like an explanation of what the process would look like for you or click to see the process in more detail.

1 - Initial Meeting

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1 - Initial Meeting

An initial face to face meeting to help us understand your current financial position and what you are looking to achieve in your retirement.  This could include: protecting income during retirement boosting income during retirement maximise any inheritance gain a greater understanding of your possible lifestyle post retirement. This meeting can be in your home, an alternative location of your choosing or via a video call and will take around 30 minutes to an hour.

2 - Analysis

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2 - Analysis

We take data gathered on your unique situation and goals and use sophisticated financial modelling to develop a bespoke investment strategy that is suited to the unique challenges and needs of investing in retirement .  This analysis will involve such factors as asset allocation, sector weighting, geographical splits, tax wrappers and the need to access funds among many others.

3 - Develop Plan

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3 - Develop Plan

The results from the analysis will be used to develop your investment plan taking in such factors as the need to maintain a lifestyle level, protect assets and allow access to cash. The objective is to achieve your goals in the most optimal way; balancing maintaining access to funds whilst maximising your assets and any potential inheritance.

5 - Implementation

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5 - Implementation

This step involves the practical implementation of your plans.  The amount of paperwork and due diligence will depend on the investment approach but can be significant.

6 - Ongoing Review

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6 - Ongoing Review

An ongoing monitoring and review process will help ensure that your plan and investment strategy remains relevant and to adapt if necessary to any changes in your lifestyle or outlook.

4 - Initial Review

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4 - Initial Review

At a second face to face meting we will present the result of our work and make sure you have a full understanding of how your assets are invested along with the benefits and any risks.  You will be able to better understand how financial decisions you make will affect your lifestyle both now and in the future.  It is a principle of ours that we use jargon free, plain English to make sure that there is a complete understanding.

Step 1 - Initial Meeting

An initial face to face meeting to help us understand your current financial position and what you are looking to achieve in your retirement.  This could include:

protecting income during retirement
boosting income during retirement
maximise any inheritance
gain a greater understanding of your possible lifestyle post retirement.

This meeting can be in your home, an alternative location of your choosing or via a video call and will take around 30 minutes to an hour.

Step 2 - Analysis

We take data gathered on your unique situation and goals and use sophisticated financial modelling to develop a bespoke investment strategy that is suited to the unique challenges and needs of investing in retirement .  This analysis will involve such factors as asset allocation, sector weighting, geographical splits, tax wrappers and the need to access funds among many others.

Step 3 - Develop Plan

The results from the analysis will be used to develop your investment plan taking in such factors as the need to maintain a lifestyle level, protect assets and allow access to cash.

The objective is to achieve your goals in the most optimal way; balancing maintaining access to funds whilst maximising your assets and any potential inheritance.

Step 4 - Initial Review

At a second face to face meting we will present the result of our work and make sure you have a full understanding of how your assets are invested along with the benefits and any risks.  You will be able to better understand how financial decisions you make will affect your lifestyle both now and in the future.  It is a principle of ours that we use jargon free, plain English to make sure that there is a complete understanding.

Step 5 - Implementation

This step involves the practical implementation of your plans.  The amount of paperwork and due diligence will depend on the investment approach but can be significant.

Step 6 - Ongoing Review

An ongoing monitoring and review process will help ensure that your plan and investment strategy remains relevant and to adapt if necessary to any changes in your lifestyle or outlook.

Ways to get in touch

Fill out our contact form and an adviser will call you back at a time that is convenient to you

Give us a ring for a Free no obligation discussion on how we may be able to help you: 01173 823 823

Drop us a line with any query you may have and we'll make sure we get back to you as quick as we can:

Investing in Retirement involves different considerations that investing pre-retirement.  It is unlikely that the approach used before retirement will still be appropriate, at the very least a review should be performed to ensure it is still appropriate.

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer some of our most commonly asked questions below.  But if you would like to know more then please get in touch and we will be happy to answer any query you may have.

There is no longer a requirement to buy an annuity upon reaching retirement age.  However, annuity’s can still form an important part or your investment approach during retirement.  Advantages such as reliable income, potential inflation proofing and providing income for your surviving partner.

There is no set type of investment that is “best” as each individual has their own unique situation and will need their own bespoke mix of investment products.  Whilst most products are available both pre and post retirement, there is generally more of a focus on low volatility, high income investments.

Yes, our advisers are qualified and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, giving you extra peace of mind. 

Investing during retirement shouldn’t been seen as a one off, but a continuous process.  You needs and goals will change over the years, the investing landscape will change as will the wider world and tax regime.  All this means that you will need to continuously adjust your approach to maximise the benefits, whether it be income, asset protection or paying for care.

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer some of our most commonly asked questions below.  But if you would like to know more then please get in touch and we will be happy to answer any query you may have.

There is no set type of investment that is “best” as each individual has their own unique situation and will need their own bespoke mix of investment products.  Whilst most products are available both pre and post retirement, there is generally more of a focus on low volatility, high income investments.

Yes, our advisers are qualified and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, giving you extra peace of mind. 

Investing during retirement shouldn’t been seen as a one off, but a continuous process.  You needs and goals will change over the years, the investing landscape will change as will the wider world and tax regime.  All this means that you will need to continuously adjust your approach to maximise the benefits, whether it be income, asset protection or paying for care.

There is no longer a requirement to buy an annuity upon reaching retirement age.  However, annuity’s can still form an important part or your investment approach during retirement.  Advantages such as reliable income, potential inflation proofing and providing income for your surviving partner.

Do I Need Retirement Investment Advice?

What is Retirement Investment Advice?

How Much Does Retirement Investment Advice Cost?

Contact Us

Please fill out the below form and an Adviser will call you back at your desired time:

Finding the right independent financial adviser (IFA) is an important decision and should not be made hastily.  We want to help you make the right decision, both for which adviser you select and what type of advice you elect to receive.

We offer an initial consultation for free without cost or obligation, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the advice process, our firm, our costs or anything else you are unsure about.

Clients often worry that advice will cost too much.  Our Fair Price Promise means we will only engage a new client if we believe the benefit will exceed any fees we may charge.

Please get in touch today for a chat about how we can help you.

Give us a ring – 01173 823 823

Drop us a line –

Send us a Tweet – @BristolIFA

Find us on Facebook – Leaf Financial Advisers Ltd.

For decades your retirement marked the point at which you stopped working, your pension pot was “cashed in” and you started to take an income.  The world has changed and these days it makes no sense to access your entire pension at retirement – better to access what you need and let the rest keep on growing.

The introduction of Pension Freedoms by the government in 2015 have given those in retirement a lot more flexibility on how they access and manage their pensions.  This freedom coupled with the ever-increasing time spent in retirement means it is important to continue to think about how your finances are arranged after you retire.  

By making sure your pension, which is often the biggest asset in most people’s lifetime, is invested in the most efficient way can help to boost your income during retirement and make your pension last longer.  Arrangements can also be made to help your loved ones receive a more valuable inheritance.

Investing in Retirement involves different considerations that investing pre-retirement.  It is unlikely that the approach used before retirement will still be appropriate, at the very least a review should be performed to ensure it is still appropriate.

How Can Leaf Financial Help You?

We understand that investing during retirement is important, not only for maximising your income and enjoyment during retirement but also for securing a legacy for your family.

We want to use our skills and experience to not only maximise the growth of your wealth in the most tax efficient way but to give you peace of mind that your wealth is being managed by someone you trust safe in the knowledge that you fully understand how your investments are being managed.


We can maximise your investments through a variety of ways.  We use sophisticated financial modelling techniques combined with our expert knowledge in areas such as tax efficiency, managing investment risk, investment style, pension consolidation or accessing exclusive rates from providers on your behalf to boost your pension pot and help you achieve the retirement you deserve.

Plan For The Future

A key part of our service is using our forecasting tools and techniques to allow you to see how fast your wealth will grow, the impact of different spending levels and the size of any wealth that may be available to be passed down to family.

This visual, jargon free plan will allow you to not only clearly see the future but can help in any tax efficient planning, such as the use of trusts or other estate planning techniques.

Personal Adviser

You’ll get peace of mind, speaking to the same dedicated expert from start to finish, however long your journey may last.  Someone on the phone or face to face if you have any questions, queries, updates or just a chat!


Fair Pricing

Our pricing is Fair,  Transparent and Up-Front to ensure you only pay for the high-quality advice you deserve.  In line with our company values, we will only agree to engage you in advice if we believe that the financial benefit exceeds any fees levied.

Regulated and Independent

And as Independent advisers we can access the entire market to find the most suitable products for you.

With us on your side you’ll gain the protection of regulated advice. Where we provide a regulated advice service we are responsible for the decisions we help you make.  

Simple English

We believe in simple English, no complex jargon, to make sure you fully understand where your money is invested and why.  

Step 1 – Initial Meeting

An initial face to face meeting to help us understand your current financial position and what you are looking to achieve in your retirement.  This could include:

  • protecting income during retirement
  • boosting income during retirement
  • maximise any inheritance
  • gain a greater understanding of your possible lifestyle post retirement.


This meeting can be in your home, an alternative location of your choosing or via a video call and will take around 30 minutes to an hour.


Step 2 – Analysis

We take data gathered on your unique situation and goals and use sophisticated financial modelling to develop a bespoke investment strategy that is suited to the unique challenges and needs of investing in retirement .  This analysis will involve such factors as asset allocation, sector weighting, geographical splits, tax wrappers and the need to access funds among many others.

Step 3 – Develop Plan

The results from the analysis will be used to develop your investment plan taking in such factors as the need to maintain a lifestyle level, protect assets and allow access to cash.

The objective is to achieve your goals in the most optimal way; balancing maintaining access to funds whilst maximising your assets and any potential inheritance.

Step 4 – Initial Review

At a second face to face meting we will present the result of our work and make sure you have a full understanding of how your assets are invested along with the benefits and any risks.  You will be able to better understand how financial decisions you make will affect your lifestyle both now and in the future.  It is a principle of ours that we use jargon free, plain English to make sure that there is a complete understanding.

Step 5 – Implementation

This step involves the practical implementation of your plans.  The amount of paperwork and due diligence will depend on the investment approach but can be significant.

Step 6 – Ongoing Review

An ongoing monitoring and review process will help ensure that your plan and investment strategy remains relevant and to adapt if necessary to any changes in your lifestyle or outlook.


Frequently Asked Questions

We answer some of our most commonly asked questions below.  But if you would like to know more then please get in touch and we will be happy to answer any query you may have.

There is no set type of investment that is “best” as each individual has their own unique situation and will need their own bespoke mix of investment products.  Whilst most products are available both pre and post retirement, there is generally more of a focus on low volatility, high income investments.

Yes, our advisers are qualified and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, giving you extra peace of mind. 

Investing during retirement shouldn’t been seen as a one off, but a continuous process.  You needs and goals will change over the years, the investing landscape will change as will the wider world and tax regime.  All this means that you will need to continuously adjust your approach to maximise the benefits, whether it be income, asset protection or paying for care.

There is no longer a requirement to buy an annuity upon reaching retirement age.  However, annuity’s can still form an important part or your investment approach during retirement.  Advantages such as reliable income, potential inflation proofing and providing income for your surviving partner.

What are the Benefits of Finanical PLanning

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What are Pension Freedoms?

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Contact Us

Please fill out the below form and an Adviser will call you back at your desired time:

Finding the right independent financial adviser (IFA) is an important decision and should not be made hastily.  We want to help you make the right decision, both for which adviser you select and what type of advice you elect to receive.

We offer an initial consultation for free without cost or obligation, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the advice process, our firm, our costs or anything else you are unsure about.

Clients often worry that advice will cost too much.  Our Fair Price Promise means we will only engage a new client if we believe the benefit will exceed any fees we may charge.

Please get in touch today for a chat about how we can help you.

Give us a ring – 01173 823 823

Drop us a line –

Send us a Tweet – @LEAFIFA

Find us on Facebook – !!!!!!!!!

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To find out more about how and why we use personal information and who to contact if you have any queries, please see our privacy notice.